Sticks and Bones

The first part of a chronicle of a crush-turned-obsession. I'm sorry, Julie.

To experience this in natural reading order go to A Bright, Ironic Hell: The Straight Read .

Also, try Satellite Dance and Crystal Delusions--Parts 2 and 3, respectively--complete.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

And in This Corner, Weighing Nothing--Nobody! (12/03/08 Wednesday)

First chance this morning, I restricted permissions on the blog. Wish I'd thought of it yesterday afternoon. Emailed Matt at home and Hinckley at work to let them know they'd have to log in to read it. Asked Hinckley what it was like there. He said the atmosphere was taut and he was getting some hard looks, but scared them away with his own. He said Hillary came down to get Greta for a meeting but could be certain there was any connection. We exchanged a couple more emails, indignant anger escalating, before I came in. I was prepared for a fight--my adrenaline was through the roof when I got on the bike--but none materialized. I met Julie at the door, and she greeted me without chill. Hinckley greeted me with a fat envelope. Inside were printouts of county policy relevant to my situation. I felt like I was going into court.

Nobody in the workroom said hello to me before Hinckley himself very pointedly did so. I made eye contact with everyone that would look at me. Nothing happened. After all, what could they do, since this all began with an invasion of my privacy? I talked to Julie a couple more times, asked about her class and such. On the desk with Angie, I bluntly asked her if she knew what started this stuff. She said she overheard it and went to Hinckley. She was uncomfortable with the information and wanted him to give me a heads-up. She didn't look at the blog, and I thanked her for that.

It's lunch time now, and Julie's on the desk for her last hour. I have a post to publish. I can't believe Julie read the blog, by her demeanor, but I'd like to think that she has and understands. I should expect her take it like she's taken everything else I've dished out to her. The class she took yesterday was "Communicating Assertively."

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